以前聽過動物園的動物逃跑到外面,但這次,動物園的動物居然被綁架了。在美國舊金山動物園就通報警方一起狐猴被偷走案件,這隻被偷走的狐猴是隻21歲的馬基 (Maki) ,因為患有關節炎,年紀又大了,所以非常需要照顧,而且狐猴是瀕臨絕種的動物,動物園為了找回這隻狐猴,還提出了懸賞,只要找到牠的人,就可以獲得2100美元 (約6萬台幣)的獎金。
⚠️ Missing Lemur ⚠️#SanFrancisco we need your help in locating “Maki” the stolen Lemur! Maki is an endangered animal and requires specialized care. If spotted please dial 911 and be prepared to provide as much detail as possible ➡️ https://t.co/VJOkACtNwC pic.twitter.com/JEei6NjNgU
— San Francisco Police (@SFPD) October 14, 2020
Thank you for your supportive messages during this difficult time. At this time, we do not have any updates about Maki and we are very concerned. We’re offering a $2,100 reward, $100 for every year Maki has lived, for any information leading to his recovery. pic.twitter.com/L96OZiTCKj
— San Francisco Zoo (@sfzoo) October 15, 2020
隔天,在距離動物園8公里遠的路德教會日間學校,一名五歲小男孩詹姆斯·特林(James Trinh)幼稚園的停車場發現了狐猴的身影,他便大喊著:「有狐猴!有狐猴!」,一開始大人們還以為是誤認成浣熊,沒想到仔細一看真的是狐猴,他們便趕緊拿起手機通報相關單位,狐猴馬基還嚇得躲了起來,最後動保單位成功的將馬基帶回了園區,檢查後發現他有飢餓跟脫水的現象。
This is IT folks!
The moment young James spotted Maki, the missing San Francisco Zoo lemur, in the parking lot of his Daly City school.
Watching James and his Mom freak out w/excitement and call over the other families is the BEST!
I am LIVING for this story. Thank you Maki!! pic.twitter.com/1yiVaKyxxv
— Kate Larsen (@KateABC7) October 16, 2020
後來警方也查到了偷走馬基的嫌犯,是一名30歲住在洛杉磯的男子科里·麥吉洛威 (Cory McGilloway) 他因為其他的案子被警方逮捕,在警察檢查手機時發現裡面有狐猴的照片,才發現他就是動物大盜。幸好這名機警的5歲小男孩及時發現了狐猴的身影,才讓動物被綁架的事件可以落幕,動物園也提供了路德教會日間學校2100美金的獎金,並且給予特林與他的家人終身動物園會員資格。
What a relief to have Maki safe at home! We wanted to share this vid of Maki just after his rescue last night. We’re so grateful for the swift work by @SFPD to arrest his abductor, which they announced today. pic.twitter.com/ixpi4gQaiH
— San Francisco Zoo (@sfzoo) October 17, 2020
TEEPR trapbae編:我5歲的時候大概可以叫出朱利安國王吧!