
索尼世界攝影大獎終於公布了他們2014年得獎的作品。2014年總共有139,554個做入圍。每一名得獎者都可以得到Sony的a6000照相機,而每個大類得獎者都可以得到一張去倫敦頒獎典禮的機票。 廣告1 這些就是今年的得獎的作品: Open類別的得獎作品 廣告2 加工過類別: “救

March 21, 2014





加工過類別: "救援行動" (Rescue Operation) by Kylli Sparre, Estonia, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


加工過類別: “救援行動” (Rescue Operation) by Kylli Sparre, Estonia, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards



微笑類別: "泥巴微笑" (Muddy smile) by Alpay Erdem, Turkey, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards

微笑類別: “泥巴微笑” (Muddy smile) by Alpay Erdem, Turkey, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


全景類別: 繁星燈塔 "Starry Lighthouse" by Ivan Pedretti, Italy, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards

全景類別: 繁星燈塔 “Starry Lighthouse” by Ivan Pedretti, Italy, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


建築類別: "樓梯底下" (Under the staircase) by Holger Schmidtke, Germany, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards

建築類別: “樓梯底下” (Under the staircase) by Holger Schmidtke, Germany, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards



分開第二類: 無名 by Hairul Azizi Harun, Malaysia, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards

分開第二類: 無名 by Hairul Azizi Harun, Malaysia, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


自然和野生動物類別: "冷小馬" (The cold pony) by Gert van den Bosch, Netherlands, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


自然和野生動物類別: “冷小馬” (The cold pony) by Gert van den Bosch, Netherlands, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


人文類別: "貧窮的上帝"  (Poor god) by Arup Ghosh, India, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards

人文類別: “貧窮的上帝”  (Poor god) by Arup Ghosh, India, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards




藝術文化類別:  “牛仔” (Rodeo) by Valerie Prudon, France, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards



肖像類別: 無名 by Paulina Metzscher, Germany, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


肖像類別: 無名 by Paulina Metzscher, Germany, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


環境類別:  "人生與線條" (Life and Line) by Turjoy Chowdhury, Bangladesh, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards

環境類別:  “人生與線條” (Life and Line) by Turjoy Chowdhury, Bangladesh, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards




文化類別: Anastasia Zhetvina, Russia, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards



印尼國際獎:  "不是超人" (Not Superman) by Irwansyah, Indonesia, 1st place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


印尼國際獎:  “不是超人” (Not Superman) by Irwansyah, Indonesia, 第一名, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


新加坡國際獎:  "你在看什麼!?" (What are you staring at !?) by Chin Boon Leng, Singapore, 1st place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards

新加坡國際獎:  “你在看什麼!?” (What are you staring at !?) by Chin Boon Leng, Singapore, 第一名, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards



香港國際獎: "火龍" (Fire Dragon) by Chi Hung Cheung, 2nd Place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards

香港國際獎: “火龍” (Fire Dragon) by Chi Hung Cheung, 第二名, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards



北歐國際獎:  "出口" by Michael Nordqvist, Sweden, 1st Place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards

北歐國際獎:  “出口” by Michael Nordqvist, Sweden, 第一名, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


香港國際獎: "人生的跳躍" (Jump of Life) by Cheung Lai San, Hong Kong, 1st place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


香港國際獎: “人生的跳躍” (Jump of Life) by Cheung Lai San, Hong Kong, 第一名, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


泰國國際獎: "兒童節" (Children Day) by Suthas Rungsirisilp, Thailand, 1st Place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards

泰國國際獎: “兒童節” (Children Day) by Suthas Rungsirisilp, Thailand, 第一名, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards



越南國際獎:  "錫爐建設者"(Tin Oven Builders) by Minh Ngo Thanh, Vietnam, 3rd Place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards

越南國際獎:  “錫爐建設者”(Tin Oven Builders) by Minh Ngo Thanh, Vietnam, 第三名, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards



中國國際獎: 無名 by Minwei Yan, China, 3rd Place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards

中國國際獎: 無名 by Minwei Yan, China, 第三名, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


祕魯國際獎: "墓園的笑容" (Smiles in the Cemetery) by Milko Torres Ramirez, Peru, 1st place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


祕魯國際獎: “墓園的笑容” (Smiles in the Cemetery) by Milko Torres Ramirez, Peru, 第一名, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


北歐國際獎: "閃電" (Lightning) by Lise Sundberg, 3rd place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards

北歐國際獎: “閃電” (Lightning) by Lise Sundberg, 第三名, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards



南韓國際獎: "湖裡的漣漪" Dowon Choi, Korea, 1st place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards

南韓國際獎: “湖裡的漣漪” Dowon Choi, Korea, 第一名, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


英國國際獎: "風暴前的寧靜" (The Calm Before the Storm) by Sean Batten, United Kingdom, 1st Place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards

英國國際獎: “風暴前的寧靜” (The Calm Before the Storm) by Sean Batten, United Kingdom, 第一名, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


波蘭國際獎:  "烏克蘭Szack的居民和她的馬" (The inhabitant of Szack of Ukraine and her horse) by Mateusz Baj, Poland, 1st place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards

波蘭國際獎:  “烏克蘭Szack的居民和她的馬” (The inhabitant of Szack of Ukraine and her horse) by Mateusz Baj, Poland, 第一名, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


中國國際獎:  "廣西融水縣的馬戰" (Horse fighting in Rongshui, Guangxi) by Ngai-bun Wong, China, 2nd Place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards

中國國際獎:  “廣西融水縣的馬戰” (Horse fighting in Rongshui, Guangxi) by Ngai-bun Wong, China, 第二名, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


澳洲國際獎: "回家"(Going Home) by Neville Jones, Australia, 1st Place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards

澳洲國際獎: “回家”(Going Home) by Neville Jones, Australia, 第一名, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards

來源: WorldPhoto.org (有興趣的話明年還可以投遞自己的作品呢!)
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加入粉絲團! 2014年索尼世界攝影大獎得獎作品出爐了。真的是太經典了!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友