
1. 每年最令人矚目的維多利亞的秘密時尚大秀(Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show),11月30日於巴黎大皇宮盛大登場!   2. 除了火辣內衣秀以外,今年現場也請來Lady Gaga、The Weeknd與火星人Bruno Mars等重量級巨星演出。 廣告1   3. 不過時裝大秀上,最吸睛的莫過於

December 1, 2016

1. 每年最令人矚目的維多利亞的秘密時尚大秀(Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show),11月30日於巴黎大皇宮盛大登場!

Bevy of beauties: Kendall and all of her fellow models celebrated as the highly anticipated show came to a grand end


2. 除了火辣內衣秀以外,今年現場也請來Lady Gaga、The Weeknd與火星人Bruno Mars等重量級巨星演出。

Going gaga for Gaga: As Kendall made her way down the runway, Lady Gaga performed in a dazzling black catsuit


3. 不過時裝大秀上,最吸睛的莫過於美國新生代超模坎達兒珍娜(Kendall Jenner)。

Demure: Following the show, Kendall slipped into an understated ivory dress, which she teamed with bejewelled heels


4. 年僅21歲的珍娜,已是第二度登上維多利亞的秘密時尚舞台。這一次她穿上中國風濃厚的紅色內衣,搭配經典天使翅膀。

Lady in red: Kendall Jenner graced the runway for the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show at Paris' Grand Palais on Wednesday



Thrilled: She beamed at the audience as she made her way down the runway


6. 除了服裝之外,耳環也是玉珮造型,手上及胸前皆有中國結編織飾品,相互映襯。

Burst of colour: The svelte beauty proved to be a colourful addition to the show as she stepped out in her stunning lingerie



Jovial: She appeared to be in decidedly jovial spirits as she soaked up the celebratory atmosphere at the high profile event




9. 今年維多利亞的秘密時裝秀首度移師巴黎,有消息傳出明年將會在中國上海舉行,或許從珍娜的服裝可略知一二。

Practise makes perfect: The star revealed ahead of the show that she and her fellow models had been exchanging tips


10. 另一套秀服是帶有小惡魔氣質的性感勾魂蕾絲內衣!

Head-turner: The 21-year-old California native later stepped out in an equally head-turning black-and-white number


11. 不只身後有黑色小翅膀,高跟鞋兩旁也有翅膀配件,俏皮與冷酷美艷氣質兼具。

Standing tall: Kendall glided along the runway in a pair of vertiginous black strappy heels - which were complete with matching feathers



Updates: Since touching down in the City of Light, Kendall has been updating her fans on all of her glamorous movements



Bold accessories: Brunette beauty Kendall accessorized with a set of silver knuckle dusters on each of her hands



Oops! The star flashed a peep of her derrière as she waved the audience farewell


15. 珍娜與同為當紅名模的好閨蜜Gigi Hadid:

Friendship never ends: At the end of the show, Kendall was joined by her close pal Gigi Hadid, who wowed in her own outfit



Loving the look: The model and reality TV star struck a few more poses before changing out of her eye-catching ensembles



What a jewel! She gave backstage photographers a closer look at her elaborate chandelier earrings and statement necklace



Balancing act: She showed off her agility as she posed while standing on one leg


19. 另外,這一次外媒也直擊她在後台妝髮準備的過程!

Weighing in: Kendall was having animated chats with the admiring staff surrounding her 


20. 超級名模未上妝的素顏樣貌一覽無遺。

Raven haired beauty: Earlier in the day, Kendall was photographed getting ready for the big show backstage


21. 雖然臉上有些痘痘,法令紋也較明顯,但眉毛濃密依舊,仍是清純女孩一枚。

Having a giggle: Joining the backstage beauties was fellow member of the 'Instagram' supermodels, Kendall Jenner, who looked fresh-faced as she went make-up free


22. 不過名模難得素顏,難免引來國外網友猛力吐槽:「果然是神奇的化妝術!」、「她的嘴唇絕對是打針來的,卡達夏家族女人的慣例。」、「當她去豐唇、隆鼻和打一些有的沒的美容針後就被搞糟了。」




Some guidance? It seems Kendall had a say in her beauty look as she expressively showed her stylish what she was interested in doing


24. 但整體來說,珍娜的比例還是好得沒話說啊!

Pre-show: Moments before the show, she displayed her incredible figure as she practised her moves on the empty stage



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