
1. 当你准备要去洗澡的时候,你的兄弟姊妹总爱抢在前头,「不要!我要先洗!」   2. 每次全家出门的时候,你们都抢着要坐前座。 廣告1   3. 当你们都必须坐在后座时:   爸爸:「快系安全带。」 你:「你的安全带插错了啦!」   4. 当你们必须一起分食物时:   「一人一

January 28, 2016

1. 当你准备要去洗澡的时候,你的兄弟姊妹总爱抢在前头,「不要!我要先洗!」

When you say you're getting in the shower but your sibling's like: "Nope, I'm showering first!"

2. 每次全家出门的时候,你们都抢着要坐前座。

When you have to get into a full-on war for the front seat every single car journey.


3. 当你们都必须坐在后座时:

Except when you both have to sit in the back, and then there's this problem.


4. 当你们必须一起分食物时:

When you have to share some food.


5. 当你害你的兄弟姊妹被骂时:

When you do something wrong and your sibling gets the blame for it.


6. 当你妈对着你叫哥哥或姐姐的名字时:

When your mum calls you all the other names in your family before getting yours right.

7. 当你们在抢电视时:


8. 当你成功抢到遥控器还把它带离客厅,让你的兄弟姊妹无法转台时:

And when you take the remote out of the room with you so your sibling can't change the channel.


9. 当你们在打架的时候,你不小心出手太用力而必须赶快安抚他们,免得被爸妈知道。

When you accidentally hit them too hard and have to stop them crying so you don't get in trouble.

10. 当你妈买了什么东西给你,又叫你不要跟其他人说:

When your mum buys you something and tells you not to tell your siblings.

11. 当你在偷用哥哥或姊姊的东西时,你听到他们从楼上飞奔下来时:

When you're going through your sibling's stuff and hear them coming upstairs.

12. 当你为你的兄弟姊妹准备圣诞礼物时:

When you give your sibling a Christmas present.
「来自 时尚又性感的姊姊」
「给 没人爱的讨厌鬼妹妹」


13. 当你拜托兄弟姊妹去帮你跟爸妈问事情,但他们却不小心提到你时:

When you tell your sibling to go ask your parents for something but they mention your name.

14. 当你的兄弟姊妹说,他已经跟爸妈告状了:

When your sibling says they're telling on you.


15. 后来你爸妈没打你也没处罚你时,你会得意地嘲笑他们:

When you've got no comeback so all you can do is mock their voice.


 16. 当你的兄弟姊妹在爸妈面前出卖你时:

When your sibling's being a dick but your parents are in the room too.


17. 当有人喜欢你姊或你妹时:

When someone says they fancy your sibling.

18. 当你的兄弟姊妹被爸妈骂得很惨时:

When your sibling's getting told off real bad and you can't help but watch.


19. 当你们在吵架的时候:

When you're like: "Hey, let me try that on you – I won't do it properly."


20. 当你才刚要坐下,座位却瞬间被抢走时:

When your sibling takes the seat you were literally ~just~ in.

21. 你明明叫他们留一些麦片给你,最后却一片不剩时:

When you ask your sibling to save you some cereal.

22. 但他们偶尔还是有用的。

When you need a hero.

 23. 总之,兄弟姊妹之间的相处,不是争个你死我活,就是相亲相爱囉!

And when your life is either one or the other – never anything in between.




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