
1. 这其实是一名警卫开玩笑地将头藏在澳洲雕刻家Ron Mueck的作品”Mask II (面具2)”后面…   只能说雕得真的太像真人的头了!好精致!   2. 这名少年看似漫步在空中,但其实是他正从高处跳进聂伯河 (Dnipro river) 里头。 廣告1   3. 班法兰斯高 (Ben F

May 3, 2015

1. 这其实是一名警卫开玩笑地将头藏在澳洲雕刻家Ron Mueck的作品”Mask II (面具2)”后面…

Sleepy head: A security guard jokingly inspects the back of a self-portrait called 'Mask II' by Australian sculptor Ron Mueck at the Royal Scottish Academy in Edinburgh, Scotland, in July 2006


2. 这名少年看似漫步在空中,但其实是他正从高处跳进聂伯河 (Dnipro river) 里头。

Skywalker: This man appears to be walking on clouds, but has actually just jumped into the Dnipro river in Kiev, Ukraine, in June 2010


3. 班法兰斯高 (Ben Francisco) 的头去哪了!?其实这是他被触身球击中头部、意外被捕捉到的瞬间巧合画面…

Where's his head? Philadelphia Phillies Ben Francisco reacts after being hit in the head with a pitch by Cincinnati Reds Logan Ondrusek during the MLB National League Division Series baseball playoffs in Philadelphia in October 2010


4. 中国艺术家刘勃麟将自己隐身在一整面漫画之中。

Now you see him: Chinese artist Liu Bolin blends himself into the background in front of a shelf lined with comic books as part of a series of performances in Caracas, Venezuela, in November 2013


5. 一名女子正在欣赏艺术家Robert Therrien的巨大作品。

Shrunken woman? A visitor looks at a monumental sculpture by artist Robert Therrien in the Metropolitan Arts Centre in Belfast, Northern Ireland, in April 2012


6. 25岁的Jonathan Aubrey巧妙地利用镜子的反射来产生这样惊奇的画面。

Seeing is believing: Jonathan Aubrey, 25, stands in between 'Mirrors of Invisibility' as part of a series demonstrating various types of reflection at the Hong Kong Science Museum, in October 2009


7. 两位太太在古巴哈瓦那游泳时,因为水的折射让她们身体变超巨大!

Larger than life: The wonder of science makes these women appear larger than they are as they enjoy a swim in the sea in Havana, Cuba, in April this year


8. 印度阿加尔塔拉 (Agartala) 一名男子在起雾的早晨练习足球。

Ball-faced: A man controls a ball during soccer practice in a public park on a foggy morning in Agartala, India, in January 2015


9. 因为手扶梯的巨大广告而显得很渺小的一对夫妻。

Smart advertising: A couple appear tiny thanks to a giant ad on an escalator at a shopping centre in Singapore's Orchard Road district in January 2009


10. 碰巧被捕捉到的终极腊肠狗!

A long walk: The rear end and head and shoulders of Eurasier dogs Tinu (left) and Uno (right) behind a tree in Green Park, London, in February 2004


11. 为数众多的Nissan厢型车整齐划一地停在公司的空地。

Not a glitch in the Matrix: A number of Nissan vehicles are parked at the company's factory in Yokosuka, south of Tokyo, Japan, in November 2009

来源:Daily Mail


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